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Know Your Soul

Vashon Day Workshop: Know Your Soul – Actualize Your Potential WORKSHOP DATE: SATURDAY – FEBRUARY 4, 2016 WORKSHOP TIME: 10:00AM TO 6:00PM WORKSHOP FEE: 150.00 – Full payment due upon enrollment. CONTACT: Melanie Farmer at or Vashon Intuitive Arts. ENROLLMENT: Go to workshops – How do we understand happiness and our place in this […]

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A Winter Primer

The Winter Solstice astronomically occurs on Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 2:44 am (PST). This marks the shortest day and longest night for the year 2016. Many of us are happy to leave 2016 behind as this year has been challenging indeed; 2016 is the culmination of astrological events set in motion in 2012. One […]

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Treating Allergy Symptoms Naturally

Those of us living in the Northwest have been experiencing a very early Spring. It has been stunningly beautiful, as almost all the trees are in bloom. While reveling in this beauty, have you noticed increased kapha symptoms like congestion and sluggishness upon waking? Blurry eyes, sinus congestion, sore throat and perhaps body fatigue or […]

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The Vedic Horse

The Vedic Horse The Aswini are luminal, twin Vedic deities giving spiritual strength. One twin fills the universe with light while the other twin with fluidity. The Aswini represent the dawn, the stage between night and first breaking of light. They guide our transcendent quest for reality and truth and are symbolized by twin horses […]

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Shadows, Light, and Horses.

In the foot hills of Fall City, Washington, along the old Snoqualmie railroad grade, there is a great network of trails. On any given day, mountain bikers, equestrians, hikers and joggers, trace their way along the grade. Arteries of trails branch off the grade into the trees, rising quickly. One particular trail, followed after a […]

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Nimitta is one of six branches in Jyotish and is defined as ‘omen’ or sign.  Nimitta is essential in practice.   The classical texts list several signs to observe in our waking state as well as in the dream state. Dreams are where desire and repulsion, fear, grief and love, all rise to be exposed […]

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Timing is Everything

Ever have wonder why one event or a series of life changing events has occurred in your life over a particular period? Have you ever experienced periods of time where your health and well-being ran high or low for weeks, months, even years at a time? These patterns are related. Insight to life-cycle event patterns […]

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Ayurvedic Yoga

Ayurveda and yoga are sister sciences. In India, it was traditional to practice ayurveda before taking up the study of yoga. Because ayurveda is the life-science of body, it was a physical, conditioning system in preparation for the mental-spiritual science of yoga. To date, utilizing yoga asana as ayurvedic treatment requires a grasp of both […]

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Tiger Woods' Natal Chart

Tiger Woods December 3, 1975  Birth time: 22:50    Long Beach CA Written December 16,2009 Jupiter-Gaja-Kasari-Viparita HarshaYoga Tiger’s Jupiter is retrograde in the 8thhouse-Pisces in the rashi and in the 8thhouse Capricorn in the navamsha.  Jupiter forms Gaja-Kasari yoga in the navamsha and in the rashi.  In the rashi, Jupiter in the 8th house with the Moon in Jupiter’s constellation […]

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Site by Shannon Garcia