Vashon Day Workshop: Know Your Soul – Actualize Your Potential WORKSHOP DATE: SATURDAY – FEBRUARY 4, 2016 WORKSHOP TIME: 10:00AM TO 6:00PM WORKSHOP FEE: 150.00 – Full payment due upon enrollment. CONTACT: Melanie Farmer at or Vashon Intuitive Arts. ENROLLMENT: Go to workshops – How do we understand happiness and our place in this […]
A Winter Primer
The Winter Solstice astronomically occurs on Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 2:44 am (PST). This marks the shortest day and longest night for the year 2016. Many of us are happy to leave 2016 behind as this year has been challenging indeed; 2016 is the culmination of astrological events set in motion in 2012. One […]

Treating Allergy Symptoms Naturally
Those of us living in the Northwest have been experiencing a very early Spring. It has been stunningly beautiful, as almost all the trees are in bloom. While reveling in this beauty, have you noticed increased kapha symptoms like congestion and sluggishness upon waking? Blurry eyes, sinus congestion, sore throat and perhaps body fatigue or […]
The Ground of Mind
We all know that yoga is very popular and as a result, continues to spread worldwide. In spite of some rough patches, it’s popularity is a good thing. Yoga initiates diverse human populations into an active, integrated state of Mind that will search far and wide, internally and externally, to realize freedom and liberation. In […]
Simple and Effective Kapha Balancing
Winter, in the practice of ayurveda, is dominated by kapha dosha. Kapha dosha is identified as a particular set of conditions that have the combined characteristics earth and water. Our Seattle winter weather is dominated by kapha dosha, as it is cold, dark and damp, and brilliantly demonstrates how kapha dosha takes affect. As kapha […]
The Centaur
The move to Vashon Island came after five years of searching for the right place to live with my horse, Cooper. Before settling on Vashon, I’d explored other equestrian communities within a 50 mile radius of Seattle and as a process, I’d picture myself living within the human community associated with my horse’s requirements, to […]
Saturn’s Bones
Funny how dried balls of manure can look just like so many hundreds of rocks. These tricky and deceptive rock push themselves up out of the ground in Oakland’s pasture on a daily basis. There are hundreds if not thousands of these ancient things laying around and I was determined to remove them. Fragile Footing […]
Ride the Wave
Secretariat won the Triple Crown in 1973, within one month of the Watergate scandal that exposed Nixon’s political indiscretions. Secretariat’s racing career spanned Vietnam and the 1972 recession. Sea Biscuit became the symbol of the underdog during the 1930′s depression, Roosevelt’s New Deal and the build-up to WWII. Sea Biscuit was foaled in 1933 and […]
The guiding principal of Ayurveda is disease prevention through harmonizing our body’s rhythm with nature. One way to create this balance is to align the body’s healing energies through marma massage. Marma is a Sanskrit word meaning hidden, or secret. By definition, a marma is a juncture on the body where two or more types […]
The Vedic Horse
The Vedic Horse The Aswini are luminal, twin Vedic deities giving spiritual strength. One twin fills the universe with light while the other twin with fluidity. The Aswini represent the dawn, the stage between night and first breaking of light. They guide our transcendent quest for reality and truth and are symbolized by twin horses […]